Thoriated Tungsten (red) 1.6mm x 10 Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding is a popular type of welding that utilizes tungsten electrodes to join various metals. The tungsten electrode is a critical component in the process, as it channels the current required to establish the arc. The tungsten electrodes can be alloyed with a variety of metals. Different types and sizes of electrodes are used for different types of welds and materials, and welders develop preferences based on welding style and project. Certain electrode types perform better with alternating current (AC) as opposed to direct current (DC). Electrodes are shipped without a ground tip. If grinding a tip, make a tight, sharp point in order to achieve a powerful and precise arc to ensure a clean weld. The red thoriated type is America’s favorite electrode for a reason. Extremely long lasting and highly durable, these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications. These red electrodes are best for copper alloys, nickel alloys, titanium alloys, and non-corroding steels. Thoriated Tungsten (red) 1.6mm x 10 The gold lanthanated tungsten electrodes contain less lanthanum than their blue counterparts and are best used in DC applications. They are best for welds with titanium alloys, copper alloys, nickel alloys, and non-corroding steel. White zirconiated tungsten electrodes handle higher amperage levels and work well with both transformer and inverter power sources, making them an excellent alternative to the green pure tungsten electrodes for magnesium and aluminium alloys. The blue lanthanated electrodes are popular due to the relative ease of striking an arc and lower amperage required. They perform exceptionally well in both AC & DC applications, and are a popular general use electrode. Blue electrodes are effective for welding aluminium alloys, magnesium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys, titanium alloys, low-alloyed steels, and non-corroding steels. Grey ceriated electrodes are popular due to their extreme ease of striking an arc with lower amperages, and their extraordinary performance with regard to DC welding applications. They perform best with titanium alloys, copper alloys, magnesium alloys, aluminium alloys, nickel alloys, non-corroding steels, and low-alloyed steels.
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